3 Beginner Beginner Breathwork Techniques & When To Use Them

Undoubtedly, meditation benefits both the body and the mind. Due to the fact that all of our racing thoughts, feelings, and sensations appear when we sit still and block out external stimulation, many people find it challenging to meditate.

Contrarily, breathwork is a sort of active meditation that enables us to let go of the mind and follow our body and heart instead. We reclaim our wholeness and feel better able to cope with stress, anxiety, and lingering trauma when we breathe out thoughts, beliefs, memories, and behaviours that do not serve our growth. Each of the numerous breathwork techniques has a certain goal and impact on the body. Here are three beginner tactics that should be a part of your toolbox, along with suggestions on when and how to apply them.

The 4-7-8 breath to use when feeling overwhelmed.

The 4-7-8 breathing pattern, sometimes referred to as Andrew Weil's Relaxing Breath, aids in slowing down and calming the body. It brings about a sense of serenity and peace by slowing the nervous system, slowing the pulse rate, and bringing our awareness to the present. When you are feeling stressed, apprehensive, triggered, furious, or having difficulties falling asleep, this breath is perfect. It also teaches the body how to remove surplus energy and thinking from the body, teach the body to take in less (in a culture where we bombard the mind and body with external stimulation), and how to create space between inhalation and exhalation.

How to do it:

The traditional way of doing 4-7-8 breathing is to empty the lungs of air, breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, exhale out of the mouth for 8 seconds, and repeat at least 4 times.

As you breathe in, imagine the grounded and nourishing energy of the earth, mountains, trees, plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables, and herbs coming up into your body. As you hold your breath, visualize the breath spiralling up the centre of your body (through the seven chakras) and pulling any energy or thought that does not serve you. Then as you exhale over 8 seconds, imagine that excess energy releasing out of the mouth, and visualize light pouring through the top of your head back down to your feet and the earth below you.

When you need an energy boost: The 4-4-4-4 breath.

Box Breathing comes through the Navy SEAL lineage and is also known as Square breathing, or 4-4-4-4 breath. This breathwork technique slows the heart rate and deepens concentration. It heightens efficiency and performance, as well as provides stress relief. It's best to use in the morning to wake up, in the middle of the day if sleepy, or before a big project or meeting that requires your focus.

Release all of the air from your chest first, then hold your breath for 4 seconds. Then, breathe via your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds, and then exhale out of your nose for 4 seconds to practise this method. To feel the effects, carry out this cycle five times.

Imagine the earth element of the north coming up and nurturing the physical body as you breathe in. Holding your breath will help you to visualise the breath moving through your head like the wind element of the east, cleaning out any thoughts that aren't helpful while keeping the ones that are. Imagine the fire element of the south burning any ideas and emotions in your emotional heart and belly as you exhale through your mouth. The fire element of the south sits in the centre and heart of your body (traditional box breath exhales out of the nose, but I like to exhale out of the mouth to incorporate the heart energy).

Ask the loving higher self, the gentle feminine water element of the west, to enter your presence and accompany you as you navigate the waves of your life while you hold your breath for the final four seconds.

When you feel yourself getting worked up: The 5-5 breath.

While our natural tendency is to breathe at a rate of two or three seconds per minute, Coherent Breathing, or the 5-5 breath, is a controlled and conscious breathing practice that slows down our breathing to 4 seconds and then 5 seconds. The 5-5 breath is ideal for an overall sense of calm and can be practiced throughout the day.

How to do it:

To start, focus on the natural rhythm of your breath to obtain a baseline length of each inhale and exhale. Then for 1 minute, breathe in for 4 seconds, and exhale for 4 seconds. Then repeat for 5 seconds, then repeat for 6 seconds, and if you want to, gradually expand to 10 seconds. Start with 5 minutes total and work your way up over time to 20 minutes. Imagine the earth energy rising up into the body, and then the thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in the body that you no longer want to hold on to, releasing out of the body through the exhale.

The best way to know which technique is right for you is to first identify what you are struggling with and what you are seeking. These are suggestions, but as with any healing modality, it is best to experiment with each form to see which one feels most aligned with where you are. Remember, your breath is your inherent healer and guide inside of you.

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