1. I do a deep dive into assessing your breathing at this point, and give you breathing exercises to start retraining your lungs and breathing muscles to enhance your quality of life.

2. I assess where you are and take you into the next phase of the programme.

3. 70% of your immune system is made in your gut. I show you how to build a more robust immune system by adjusting your breathing.

4. I look at your sleep and how it can affect your day and show you how to improve your breathing
even when asleep.

5. I give you an understanding of how your breathing affects every aspect of your life: how digestion improves when you get better sleep; stress levels are reduced, and even relationships can be enhanced, by simply not being in a state of stress most of the day.

6. We show you how to design your own program to keep you on that upward spiral of better and better health. 


1. Once you have learnt, it is an upward spiral as your health improves.

2. You can live a fuller life, building a better immune system and becoming a calmer more relaxed person - the person you were meant to be before life got in the way.

3. These exercises can be done at any time, & no-one even needs to know you are doing them.

4. You will have increased energy & better mood.

5. You will feel more in control of your health.

Lyle G

" Excellent information and breathing techniques. Myself and many people I have been speaking to who have attended these workshops have reported, reduced stress and anxiety, better sleep, reduced blood pressure and increased physical performance and recovery. Highly recommended. "

David B

" Breathwork has made a massive impact to my life. I've struggled with depression and anxiety since childhood. As an adult I was put on a range of medications in order to cope, and within 2 years of starting these medications my dosage was quadrupled.

Then I was introduced to breathwork, at first I thought I would only help my physical health, but with 6 months of starting breathwork I was completely off all my medications.

Breathwork has done something for me which I thought was impossible, it didn't just stop me relying on medications. It gave me back control of my life. "

Karen S

" Using the breathing techniques I learned a few months back from Kaicho David Toney's course and watching videos of breathing techniques has really helped me to de-stress and become a calmer and more relaxed person both at home and at work. It has also helped me to get a better night's sleep too. There's a lot to be said for breathing correctly. Thank you "

Breathwork Course for Health & Wellbeing - Free...

Try the Breath Sensei's free online breathwork course to improve your general health & wellbe...

Try the Breath Sensei's free online breathwork course to improve your general health & wellbeing. Through learning, practicing and implementing the breathwork techniques and exercises you learn in these courses, you will see massive improvements in your health & wellbeing. Try this free online breathwork course today and see for yourself!


Breathwork Course for Health & Wellbeing - £10 ...

Breathwork has been scientifically proven to improve your mental and physical health & wellbe...

Breathwork has been scientifically proven to improve your mental and physical health & wellbeing. Actively implementing breathwork and breathing techniques & exercises that you learn in this short course with the Breath Sensei will see your health & wellbeing drastically improve. You deserve to take some time for yourself. Just watch the videos and complete the simple exercises. Regular practice of these will lead to notable improvements in your health and wellbeing in a relativel...


Breathwork Course for Health & Wellbeing

Breathwork refers to a variety of breathing techniques and exercises that can be used to improve ...

Breathwork refers to a variety of breathing techniques and exercises that can be used to improve one’s physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual health. It exists in a variety of forms; there are ancient practices, such as Pranayama, and modern techniques developed by doctors and other practitioners. While more complex practices exist, many easy, quick exercises can be worked into your daily wellness routine. So why is breathwork important? In addition to being a popular relaxation method, br...
